Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): This is Florida’s food-assistance program: nutritional support for low-income seniors, individuals, and families, as well as those with disabilities living on fixed incomes.

This reduces healthcare costs and improves access to medical care for low-income adults, children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. Medicaid: The federal and state public health insurance program for people with low incomes.This information is available online, 24/7, via a recipient’s MyACCESS account. More About ACCESS FloridaĪCCESS stands for “automated community connection to economic self-sufficiency” – and its name essentially describes its purpose: to easily connect recipients with their public assistance information.

Palm Medical Centers is an affiliated ACCESS Florida site, a limited extension of the Florida Department of Children and Families program that assists recipients in social and government programs. Please see location details for services offered at each location.